Connecting for a better future of Rwanda's Children

«Anybody can easily ignore children's voice in unknown place, but we strive to hear their voice and give hope and someday they will hear other children's voice and give them hope in unknown places.»



Our mission

1. To serve for increasing future possibilities of vulnerable children by providing quality education, scholarship, and communuity empowerment

2. To enhance community’s social and economic condition by establishing  self-sustained system in our projects

Actions with impact

1. Poverty Reduction
Most of the student’s families in this scholarship project have unfortunate background such as genocide survivors, ex-combatants, orphans, widows, and extreme poor. Their income is less than 10USD a month which cannot support kid’s education which cost 100USD a year for nursery and primary and 300USD for secondary, and 1000USD for university. There is always vicious cycle that the poor cannot get rid of the unfortunate situation. This project therefore is already cutting the cycle and giving brighter impact on those families’s life.

2. Improvement of Nutrirous Condition for Children
Most of the student's families in this scholarship project cannot provide enough nutrition to their children. Many children even do not have breakfast before going to school and they cannot concentrate on their studies. Lack of nutrition also obstructs mental and physical development.  Rwanda Children's Hope also supports Samaritan International School to give children sufficient breakfast.

3. Women Empowerment
In Rwanda, women especially widows and poor hardly get any attention from society. Since they have to take care of their kids and they do not have enough income to give their kids to nursery school, it is difficult for them to work hard. This project is encouraging women and poor by taking care of their kids in nursery and primary school and providing them with quality education.

4. Quality Education
Most school in the village do not have qualified teachers and enough space to teach children. As a result, most kids in the village cannot pass national exam or drop out from classes. In order to solve this problem, Samaritan International School hires qualified teachers from Uganda and minimize the number of students in class for quality education.

5. Students support Students
Some students supported by Rwanda Children’s Hope come back to help other students through Student’s Committee of Rwanda Children’s Hope. They are teaching other kids how to write a letter to their sponsors, helping school activities, educating other kids the value of this project and encouraging helping others in communities. In this way, students have strong responsibility for this project as their project.

6. Establish Self-Sustained Income Sources
The mission of Samaritan International School is to provide quality education equaliy for poor children. In order to keep this mission, this regular income source helps to support poor children’s education.

Our Background

Kabasinga Fatier and Yuiko Watamoto are co-founder of Rwanda Children’s Hope in 2008 in Karangazi, Nyagatare, Eastern Province, Rwanda.

Fatier and Yuiko work together since 2006. Yuiko worked in Club Mamans Sportive for Karangazi community for income generation and vocational school activities for youth and women from 2006 to 2008 as a volunteer of Japan International Cooperation Agency. In 2005, Fatier set up her organization called International Healing Ministry (IHCM) which is registered under the government in 2016. IHCM manged vocational school for youth and women in Karangazi as well as church activity. Yuiko helped IHCM during her mission in Karangazi from 2006 to 2008 for income generation activities of knitting and sewing vocational school.

When Yuiko stayed in Karangazi, she found many children who graduated from primary school but couldn't continute their education in secondary school. At the same time, Fatier shared a story that she found two children who had top performance in their primary school and were recommended to go to top secondary school in Rwanda but they had to give up their education due to expensive tuition fee. Yuiko and Fatier decided to try to help their education. First, they tried one child. Yuiko shared this story with her friend. "I will also help their education", her friend said willingly. Yuiko coordinated another child for her friend. When she went back to Japan, she share this story with other friends. "I also want to be part of it." This way, slowly but surely the number of supporters and supported children increased. Rwanda Children's Hope was therefore created in IHCM as Scholarship proejct.  

Since 2008, Yuiko fundraised in Japan for Rwanda Children’s Hope and Fatier managed the activities on the ground. At beginning, we focused more on secondary education. By 2016, we have supported 50 secondary students, out of which 6 excellent secondary students got university scholarship of RCH.

On March 2016, Samaritan International School* opened for Kindergarden (3 levels) and Primary (6 levels), granted from Japanese Embassy. Samaritan International School by 2017 have 186 students. It will increase more and more in the future.

In 2015 and 2017, IHCM received funds from Global Fund for Poultry. In 2016, we successfully raised fund from READYFOR and KIRCHGEMEINDE AARWANGEN (Switzerland Reform Church) for scholarship of 60 students. At the same time, Poultry (Nutrition project) and school infrastructure such as electricity are necessary to manage school finance and develop children's mental and physical ability. Therefore, Nutrition project of IHCM becomes a part of Rwanda Children's Hope. 

We are now trying to establish market for egg from Poultry in and near from Karangazi as Nutrition Project. The profit is used for self-sustained school management of Samaritan International School and other future projects. Also, egg is to be provided as nutorition to school children. This can prevent them from having malnutricious disease and develop mental and physical ability. IHCM began in 2017 providing breakfast to students as Nutrition Project.

*"Samaritan International School" in Nyagatare District, Rwanda, is a private school. It's been established and operated by a local NGO with the spirit "just cannot leave those suffering in poverty". They just wish to nurture Nyagatare children in Nyagatare. They named their private school "International School" with a hope children shall learn the world beyond borders: "It’s only our vision that goes beyond Rwanda."


Rwanda Children's Hope

Ms. Yuiko Watamoto