We’ve been participating in ”the JICA Fund for the People of the World”!
In January 2020, we applied to JICA and were entrusted with JICA's "Fund for Activities for the Benefit of the People of the World" to start a project to support the education of Samaritan International School, which is currently underway.
Through this project, we were able to locally purchase and start using textbooks for the first time at Samaritan School as well as learning-facilitating charts for the teachers and children, in order to improve the teachers’ ability to conceptualize and implement lessons, and to further enhance the children’s capacities to learn in a stable and sustainable manner.
Textbooks as well as instructional materials for teachers had been out of reach there before and when teachers prepared "the scheming", a teaching/learning plan prior to new school year for children, Samaritan school teachers had to wait till public school teachers had finished preparing to borrow at each time.
Children tried to catch up by copying the boardwriting teacher had developed and worked really hard from scarce resources in self-researches. Children hurried to copy before the next class started and learn from it instead of the textbooks that have been significantly emphasized in Rwandan formal education, thus there was an inevitable barrier to improve their academic skills to break the chain of poverty.
The teachers and the children have gotten their hands on a textbook filled with great joy!
Teachers said, "It's much easier to plan and prepare lessons than before." "Now the children understand better with visual information” One after another, happy voices were heard from teachers and the children.
Upon the request of the local community, we have invited an educational advisor who has experience of managing schemes for assisting developing countries and was involved in the educational training of the Rwandan Ministry of Education officials, we’ve begun discussing how we can support the school and local community, including a long-term perspective.
In Nyagatare, in addition to the prolonged and repeated lockdowns due to the pandemic, the relocation of the entire village due to the expansion of a new airport yard
adjacent to the home village, and so on, both school and people trying to cope with severe emergency.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your warm understanding and various support for Rwanda Children's Hope's activities for a better future for the children of Rwanda.
Due to the repeated worsening of the infection situation of the new coronavirus, we are forced to make various adjustments and changes to the project, but we will do our best to provide support in a flexible manner until the project term end of November 2021 and in the future.
In the oceans of gratitude, we look forward to your continued support and participation.