School Kitchen Project
Most Students in Samaritan International School come from poor family including genocide survivors. Some family could not afford to give their children breakfast, some could not give sufficient nutrition for physical and mental development. Therefore, Samaritan International School started to provide breakfast to students in May 2017. Samaritan International School have their kitchen which was funded and constructed by Global Fund in 2016. They use the kitchen to provide breakfast to students.
Rwanda Children's Hope supports this school initiative. Some students in Rwanda Children's Hope decreased their eye vision and chronic disease due to malnutrition. In this way, some students have to stop their education and stay home with their sickness.
We help children not only paying tuition fee but also setting up their environment to keep their health. We help Samaritan International School to continue School Kitchen Program which can develop children mentally and physically. This contributes also to reduce medical expense of every family.